Bbedit 13 0 5 Mm

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RICH DON FLOW All the footage I had been given was great because Skoot was really comfortable and natural in front of the camera. The sequence with the thunder is my favorite from the video because there are a couple of minor effects that play off of the lyrics. Oct 30, 2019 Bare Bones Software has published BBEdit 13.0.2 with bug fixes and feature refinements. The long-standing text editor fixes a bug in which URL attribute values with multiple entities would incorrectly trip the warning about needing to be encoded, uses the effective text color scheme for syntax coloring on the Grep Cheat Sheet (working around a bug caused by turning on Reduce Transparency in.

From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Particle size, also called grain size, means the diameter of individual grains of sediment, or the lithifiedparticles in clastic rocks. The term may also be used for other granular materials.[1]

Bbedit 13 0 5 Mm

Bbedit 13 0 5 Mm
φ scaleSize range
Size range
(approx. inches)
Aggregate name
(Wentworth Class)
Other names
< −8> 256 mm> 10.1 inBoulder
−6 to −864–256 mm2.5–10.1 inCobble
−5 to −632–64 mm1.26–2.5 inVery coarse gravelPebble
−4 to −516–32 mm0.63–1.26 inCoarse gravelPebble
−3 to −48–16 mm0.31–0.63 inMedium gravelPebble
−2 to −34–8 mm0.157–0.31 inFine gravelPebble
−1 to −22–4 mm0.079–0.157 inVery fine gravelGranule
0 to −11–2 mm0.039–0.079 inVery coarse sand
1 to 0½–1 mm0.020–0.039 inCoarse sand
2 to 1¼–½ mm0.010–0.020 inMedium sand
3 to 2125–250 µm0.0049–0.010 inFine sand
4 to 362.5–125 µm0.0025–0.0049 inVery fine sand
8 to 43.90625–62.5 µm0.00015–0.0025 inSiltMud
> 8< 3.90625 µm< 0.00015 inClayMud
>10< 1 µm< 0.000039 inColloidMud

In some schemes 'gravel' is anything larger than sand (>2.0 mm), and includes 'granule', 'pebble', 'cobble', and 'boulder' in the above table. In this scheme, 'pebble' covers the size range 4 to 64 mm (−2 to −6 φ).

References[change | change source]

  1. Size ranges define limits of classes that are given names in the Wentworth scale (or Udden-Wentworth) used in the United States. The Krumbein phi (φ) scale, a modification of the Wentworth scale created by W. C. Krumbein, (Krumbein & Sloss 1963) is a logarithmic scale computed by the equation:
    ϕ=−log2⁡D/Do{displaystyle phi =-log _{2}{D/Do},}
    ϕ{displaystyle phi } is the Krumbein phi scale, and
    D{displaystyle D} is the diameter of the particle
    Do{displaystyle Do} is a reference diameter, equal to 1 mm (to make the equation dimensionally consistent.)
    This equation can be rearranged to find diameter using φ:
    D=Do×2−ϕ{displaystyle D=Dotimes 2^{-phi },}
  • W C Krumbein & L L Sloss, Stratigraphy and Sedimentation, 2nd edition (Freeman, San Francisco, 1963).
  • J A Udden, Mechanical composition of clastic sediments, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. 25, 655-744 (1914).
  • C K Wentworth, A scale of grade and class terms for clastic sediments, J. Geology V. 30, 377-392 (1922).
φ scaleSize range
Size range
(approx. inches)
Aggregate name
(Wentworth Class)
Other names
< −8> 256 mm> 10.1 inBoulder
−6 to −864–256 mm2.5–10.1 inCobble
−5 to −632–64 mm1.26–2.5 inVery coarse gravelPebble
−4 to −516–32 mm0.63–1.26 inCoarse gravelPebble
−3 to −48–16 mm0.31–0.63 inMedium gravelPebble
−2 to −34–8 mm0.157–0.31 inFine gravelPebble
−1 to −22–4 mm0.079–0.157 inVery fine gravelGranule
0 to −11–2 mm0.039–0.079 inVery coarse sand
1 to 0½–1 mm0.020–0.039 inCoarse sand
2 to 1¼–½ mm0.010–0.020 inMedium sand
3 to 2125–250 µm0.0049–0.010 inFine sand
4 to 362.5–125 µm0.0025–0.0049 inVery fine sand
8 to 43.90625–62.5 µm0.00015–0.0025 inSiltMud
> 8< 3.90625 µm< 0.00015 inClayMud
>10< 1 µm< 0.000039 inColloidMud

In some schemes 'gravel' is anything larger than sand (>2.0 mm), and includes 'granule', 'pebble', 'cobble', and 'boulder' in the above table. In this scheme, 'pebble' covers the size range 4 to 64 mm (−2 to −6 φ).

References[change | change source]

  1. Size ranges define limits of classes that are given names in the Wentworth scale (or Udden-Wentworth) used in the United States. The Krumbein phi (φ) scale, a modification of the Wentworth scale created by W. C. Krumbein, (Krumbein & Sloss 1963) is a logarithmic scale computed by the equation:
    ϕ=−log2⁡D/Do{displaystyle phi =-log _{2}{D/Do},}
    ϕ{displaystyle phi } is the Krumbein phi scale, and
    D{displaystyle D} is the diameter of the particle
    Do{displaystyle Do} is a reference diameter, equal to 1 mm (to make the equation dimensionally consistent.)
    This equation can be rearranged to find diameter using φ:
    D=Do×2−ϕ{displaystyle D=Dotimes 2^{-phi },}
  • W C Krumbein & L L Sloss, Stratigraphy and Sedimentation, 2nd edition (Freeman, San Francisco, 1963).
  • J A Udden, Mechanical composition of clastic sediments, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. 25, 655-744 (1914).
  • C K Wentworth, A scale of grade and class terms for clastic sediments, J. Geology V. 30, 377-392 (1922).
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BBEdit 13.0.2 Release Notes

Bbedit 13 0 5 Mm Inches BBEdit 13.0.2 contains fixes for reported issues, as well as refinements to existing features.

For details on all the new features and enhancements available in BBEdit 13, please see the release notes for BBEdit 13.0.

If you haven't looked at BBEdit for a while, we encourage you to catch up on the notes from BBEdit 12.6, BBEdit 12.5, BBEdit 12.1, and BBEdit 12.0, or browse the release notes archive.

For detailed information on using any of BBEdit's features, please refer to the user manual (choose 'User Manual' from BBEdit's Help menu).

Important: Please make sure that you have read the BBEdit 13.0 change notes, as there are significant changes from previous versions.


BBEdit 13.0 requires Mac OS X 10.14.2 or later, and is compatible with macOS 10.15 'Catalina'.

If you are using macOS 10.14 'Mojave', please make sure that you have updated to the latest available OS version (10.14.6 or later).

Additions & Changes

  • Mac App Store builds have a command on the Help menu: 'Leave aReview'. If you've been enjoying BBEdit, please help us out bychoosing this command and leaving a review of BBEdit in the MacApp Store.

  • Added examples for b to the Grep Cheat Sheet.

  • Patterns on the Grep Cheat Sheet are syntax colored using theeffective text color scheme. This works around a bug in the OS(FB7347951) in which the dimmed gray color used for the patternsample was unreadable when 'Reduce transparency' was turned on inthe system's Accessibility preferences.

    If you would prefer to turn off pattern coloring in the Grep CheatSheet, you can do so with this Terminal command:

    defaults write com.barebones.bbedit ColorPatternsInGrepCheatSheet -bool NO


  • Fixed a bug in which URL attribute values with multiple entitieswould incorrectly trip the warning about needing to be encoded.

  • Fixed bug in which any errors that occurred while connecting toan FTP/SFTP server during state restoration would cause the restof the saved application state to be skipped. This usuallyresulted in one or more documents not being reopened duringstartup.

  • Fixed bug in which insertion from the Clippings palette wasn'tpossible while it was active and had keyboard focus.

  • Made a change to improve performance when generatingdisambiguated file names for use in the sidebar.

  • Fixed a bug which affected the ability of Mac App Store users tostart BBEdit after using AirPlay on macOS Catalina.

  • Fixed a bug in which trying to open a file via the built-inFTP/SFTP client would fail and report an error if the file's namecontained multi-byte-encoded UTF-8 characters.

  • Quieted the 'error 2' which would be reported when choosing the'License' command in an App Store build and then cancelling theapp store login panel.

  • Fixed a bug in the Grep search pattern colorizer in which itwould not correctly color POSIX character class exclusions (e.g.[:^punct:]).

  • Made a change so that leading periods in the custom filenameextension mappings list don't confuse the OS when we arereporting a list of valid file types during a Save As operation.

  • Corrected a misbehavior in which typing three delimiters in arow (such as ``` for Markdown, '' for Python, or ''for Swift) would result in four delimiters with the insertionpoint in the middle. BBEdit will now insert the three delimitersthat you typed, and no more.

  • Fixed a bug in which trying to use the 'Install Command LineTools' command while i386 versions of the command-line tools wereinstalled would cause BBEdit to hang.

  • In some cases it may not be possible to update the command-linetools, even with authentication. If such a failure occurs, BBEditwill alert you rather than failing silently.

  • Fixed a bug in which font fallbacks didn't work correctly inPattern Playground windows; thus, glyphs which weren't availablein the default editing font wouldn't appear in playgroundwindows.

  • Fixed a bug in which the ClippingsWorkInFindWindows expertpreference wasn't honored (and in fact, clippings insertion intothe Find or Multi-File Search windows wasn't possible even whenthe preference was enabled, which it is by default).

  • Fixed a couple of bugs which would conspire to set the wrongcolors and appearance when starting BBEdit 13 for the first time,with custom color settings in effect from a previous 11.x/12.xversion.

  • Fixed a bug in the Pattern Playground in which capture groupsthat didn't capture anything weren't correctly cleared whenmoving from one match to the next.

  • Worked around a bug in macOS Catalina (FB7383233) in which thewindow positions of the HTML markup tools button palettes weren'tcorrectly restored across runs of the app (or close/reopen of thepalettes).

  • Fixed bug in which starting the application with the OS in DarkMode would select the incorrect color for the sidebar background,in cases where a properly dark color scheme was in effect. Hands off mac os catalina.

  • Fixed a bug in which extensionless shell script files whichbegan with a #! line were misguessed as XML, if the filecontained something that looked like XML (as could occur in aheredoc string).


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